Drupal Senior Developer

Drupal Developer subtitle


You have developed a strong knowledge of Drupal and its ecosystem of contributed modules and themes, but you are also capable of writing your own and extending or altering existing functionalities.

Object-oriented programming is your bread and butter, and Design Patterns are your Swiss army knife. You have deeply understood and internalized concepts like Plugins, Services, and Dependency Injection, allowing you to write extensible, reusable, and testable code.

After years of experience, you have gained such a great expertise in using the Framework that you feel capable and unafraid to propose technical solutions to any client requests.

At Bmeme, we are cheerful people who like to joke around, but when it comes to work and professionalism, we are second to none.

Commitment, dedication, passion... these are fundamental skills that we seek and firmly believe in; these three characteristics are as essential to us as the ability to work in a team, to engage in discussions, and to share ideas in a workgroup with many years of experience and diverse technological skills.

Your skills

You have been working in this role for at least two years.

You excel at:

  • Drupal 8+
  • PHP 7+
  • Symfony
  • Caching and decaching in Drupal
  • Services and plugins
  • MySQL
  • AJAX framework
  • Writing custom themes and modules
  • Twig

You are proficient in:

  • Design Patterns
  • OOP
  • REST architectures and Web Services
  • Composer
  • Authentication protocols
  • Git
  • HTML5

Nice to have:

  • Docker
  • Ansible
  • Knowledge of Kubernetes and Google Cloud
  • Gitlab CI/CD knowledge
  • Behat
  • CSS3, SASS, and/or LESS

We believe in and support smart and full remote working


Full remote collaborators!

Our abilities

Encouraging freedom of action and thought in the Company

It is a place where you can emerge because you are given ample freedom of action, always respecting the common rules and the people you interact with daily.

Developing analysis and team growth

  • At Bmeme, success is experienced together, as is failure, to which we devote more attention not to "punish" it but to understand and avoid it at the next opportunity.

Standardizing and regularly updating our workflows

The quality of the final product is very important, as is adherence to a clear, standardized workflow that is the same for everyone. But it is not immutable over time: you know well that everyone, including you, contributes to changing practices, tools, and working methods to improve the quality of our software, the level of internal and external satisfaction, and the relationships with all stakeholders.

Developing a collaborative and goal-oriented environment

You succeed in your work because at Bmeme, you have found a healthy, horizontal, informal but very serious and committed environment focused on common goals. Relationships with colleagues are based on mutual respect and collaboration.

So, by combining your professional and human qualities with ours, we will undertake challenging yet enjoyable projects, achieving our Clients' goals and, consequently, our own ones.

And yes, sometimes we could end making a mistake. But we will never do it twice.

Daniele Piaggesi - COO e Scrum Master

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