Decoupled Architectures

Decouple your application for maximum flexibility!


Let's start with monolithic architecture

A monolithic architecture is a great starting point for a project because it enables fast development speed thanks to the single code base.

Advantages of monolithic architectures

Simplified deployment and good time-to-market

All the code is in one place and there’s only one artifact that needs to be released and managed.


Cost-effective initial setup

Starting with a monolithic architecture reduces the initial investment in both infrastructure and Human Resources


Simplified testing and easier debugging

A single centralized unit can be tested end-to-end in simpler and faster way then a distributed application.

The whole code in one place so it’s easier to debug issues and follow the flow of the execution.

Get the most out of your monolithic architecture!

As Chris Richardson explains the monolith is not an anti-pattern and it’s important to make the most of it.

Optimize the development process

Automate with pipelines

Enhance team autonomy with modularization and Cross-Functional Teams

But sometimes an application can outgrow its monolithic architecture and become an obstacle to rapid, frequent and reliable software delivery.

When this occurs, you should consider migrating to microservices.

Decoupled Architecture

What is a decoupled architecture?

An architectural design approach aimed at improving software flexibility, scalability, maintainability.

It consists in minimizing dependencies between software components.

Why a decoupled architecture?


We can choose and combine the most useful technologies for the project purpose, thanks to the separation of software components.

New elements can be added or others can be updated without affecting the entire system.


Unlimited horizontal and vertical scalability.

We can distribute resources more efficiently, have a better handling of high traffic and loading.


Performance and user experience can greatly benefit from decoupling software components. Teams can create engaging experiences with more freedom. The speed of releasing changes is very high.

Cost-effective development and maintenance

Decoupled architectures unleash the power of parallelization.
Multiple teams can work simultaneously, in a containerized way, reducing risks and costs.


Working in isolation minimize the impact of breaches. We can add security measures at various levels to protect sensitive informations.


We can integrate new technologies into the system to keep it competitive.
In decoupled architectures we can experiment and approach new solutions more easily.

Microservices drawbacks

Overall complexity

If not properly managed this architecture results in slower development speed and bad application performance.

Managing a large number of microservices requires robust deployment pipelines.

Infrastructure costs

Great scalability and flexibility but also increased infrastructure costs and operational overhead.

A large number of services can require a significant investment in tools and infrastructure.

Hard debugging

Each service has its own set of logs.

Tracing an issue across multiple services could be complex.

Microservices aren’t the best options for any projects

Migrating from a monolithic to a microservices architecture when needed it’s the best choice

Experienced in decoupled architectures


Decoupled enterprise projects built

Selected case studies

Case Study Flexform

Drupal, Next.js, Decoupled, Continuous Integration


Made in Italy in the Digital World

Bmeme Website

UX & UI , Directus, Next.js, Decoupled, Continuous Integration

Website - Bmeme

New Brand Identity and New Portal. A project aimed at conveying the true essence of Bmeme.

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