Research & design

Optimizing User Experience to maximize the Product value

Research Design

Putting the User at the center of design

User-Centered Design places users at the heart of the entire product development process.

This is achieved through an iterative approach, where a clear understanding of users' needs enhances the entire design process.

What is User Centered Design

User-Centered Design (UCD) is a methodological approach in software development that focuses on the needs and experiences of end users.

Through an iterative process of research, design, and evaluation, UCD ensures that digital products and services are intuitive, effective, and satisfying for users.

This approach aims to maximize value for users by enhancing usability and overall experience, ultimately delivering tangible and measurable results for businesses.

How your Product can have benefits from User Centered Design


Improved usability

Intuitive and easy-to-use products simplify learning and increase satisfaction for real users of the software.


Increased user engagement

A design that facilitates navigation and helps users achieve their goals enhances engagement and loyalty, encouraging more frequent and lasting interactions.


Reduced development costs

Identifying and resolving usability issues early in the development process reduces the need for costly changes later on.


Increased conversions

Improving user experience leads to higher conversion rates, contributing to better business performance and greater profits.

The iterative process involves several stages, each with a specific goal

1. Users research and analysis


Identify target users and thoroughly understand their needs, behaviors, and expectations to inform product design and ensure it meets their requirements.


In this phase, use cases and user journey maps will be developed to clearly define the project's key features.

2. Defining requirements


Define clear objectives and functional and non-functional requirements based on the information gathered during the research phase.


During this phase, use cases and user journey maps will be developed to clearly define the project's key functionalities

3. Design and prototyping


Develop design solutions that meet user requirements and create prototypes to test and refine these solutions before the development phase


Creating wireframes, mockups, and low and high-fidelity interactive prototypes to explore different design options and test the functionality and usability of the user interface."


4. Users testing and evaluation


Verify with end users that the proposed solutions meet the objectives defined during the research phase.


We will conduct usability tests and feedback sessions, iterating the design based on the test results.

5. Development and deployment


Transform approved prototypes into a fully functional final product.


We will conduct front-end and back-end development, integrate functionalities, ensure continuous review based on received feedback, and perform quality assurance (QA)

Each phase is iterative and may be revisited multiple times to ensure the final product fully meets user needs and business goals

Good design, when it’s done well, becomes invisible. It’s only when it’s done poorly that we notice it.

Think of it like a room’s air conditioning. We only notice it when it’s too hot, too cold, making too much noise, or the unit is dripping on us. Yet, if the air conditioning is perfect, nobody say anything and we focus, instead, on the task at hand

Jared Spool

Selected case studies

Case Study Senato Webtv

Drupal, Monolitich, Operations, Continuous Integration, UX & UI

WebTv - Senato della Repubblica

A WebTv to allow everyone to enjoy events and meetings held within the Senato della Repubblica. Live broadcasts, archives and a dynamically updated schedule ready to inform users about upcoming events

Bmeme Website

UX & UI , Directus, Next.js, Decoupled, Continuous Integration

Website - Bmeme

New Brand Identity and New Portal. A project aimed at conveying the true essence of Bmeme.

Case Study Igt

UX & UI , Drupal, Angular, Decoupled, Microservices, Continuous Integration


An innovative, revolutionary application that optimizes quote creation, ensuring precision, performance, and reliability.

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